LEI Registration Consultants
LEI Registration Consultants LEI Registration is a very important process for financial markets. While it is becoming automated across many countries, the process can still take some time. The issuance and renewal of LEIs take about five minutes on average. However, there are several ways to speed up the process and ensure the quality of data. One way to streamline the process is to use a LEI Registration Agent. These agents work with the LEI issuing organization and provide support and services to the legal entity. Their services range from managing communications with legal entities, processing secure payment for LEI issuance and validating reference data. In addition, they can handle the LEI renewal process and provide a full suite of services to help legal entities acquire their LEI code. Although LEI registration is relatively new, many people are still unsure of how to go about it. There is a common misconception that LEI codes can only be issued by one ag...