ROC Annual Compliances in Chennai - Filingpoint
Welcome to Filingpoint CA for ROC Annual Compliances Expert +91 72999 72500 Filingpoint ROC Annual Compliances are the detailed reports on business practices that every registered company is obligated to submit on a regular basis. Companies must follow the deadlines for documentation's submission with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) as set by law and face harsh penalties if they fail to comply on time. The yearly paperwork that must be sent with the ROC includes reconciliation of share capital audit report, deposit returns, director KYC submissions for DIN holders, and annual company accounts. Apart from these, a public limited company is also obligated to send ROC compliance reports under various other laws like Labour and Employment, Excise and Custom, RBI (Reserve Bank of India), Intellectual Property, Pollution Control, and PF and ESI regulations. Upon registering a company, the ROC validates the paperwork and records its entry into the register of com...